Well, a gathering is brie, mellow song stylings; shindig, dip, less mellow song stylings, perhaps a large amount of malt beverage, and hootenanny, well, it's chock full of hoot, just a little bit of nanny.

Oz ,'Beneath You'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

JZ - May 27, 2005 5:44:31 pm PDT #980 of 1424
See? I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me what a bad person I am and nobody did, because I fuckin' rule.

Still, that scene is REALLY bad dialogue until Kaylee's all "You mean to say... sex?"

See, the unworkingness of it worked fine for me... Simon is possibly the awkwardest man in the 'verse, and it made perfect sense that he would be stumbly and ineloquent in an oddly formal way; then Kaylee cut right through it with "You're meanin' to say... sex?", and he blinked a sort of deer-caught-in-the-headlights blink that turned into a small "See, this is why I adore her" smile.

My one character-related bitch is the lack of scenes showing Kaylee's mechanical wizardry. That first landing was so rough and Mal was so shouty that Kaylee just looked flustered and panicky, and if we hadn't already known she was the greasemonkey who dove into junkpiles looking for salvageable parts and who patted the engine core and murmured, "That's my girl, that's my good girl," we might not have gotten anything from that sole scene of her working on the ship but Little girl, big ship, in over her head.

But that's really the only major bitch I have.

Betsy HP - May 27, 2005 5:46:34 pm PDT #981 of 1424
If I only had a brain...

still kept thinking "He'll be ok." for a minute or so after.

I kept thinking "He'll get better! He'll have a space-age cure, right?" right up until I saw the gravestone.

Lilty Cash - May 27, 2005 7:07:49 pm PDT #982 of 1424
"You see? THAT's what they want. Love, and a bit with a dog."

My one character-related bitch is the lack of scenes showing Kaylee's mechanical wizardry.

I had this, too. I would have like to seen a little more of Kaylee's Serenity love.

I kept thinking "He'll get better! He'll have a space-age cure, right?" right up until I saw the gravestone.

Yep. It's funny. Firefly is the show I'm newest to (I've only seen each ep once.) But, aside from possibly Wesley in Angel, and that less so, because I was so completely spoiled, I'm hard pressed to think of a Whedonverse death that has broken me more. Maybe because it was so unexpected and abrupt, maybe because Wash was so damned lovable, maybe it's because I only saw it yesterday, I don't know. It's hurty, though.

Tamara - May 27, 2005 7:31:54 pm PDT #983 of 1424
You know, we could experiment and cancel football.

Tamara - May 27, 2005 7:34:00 pm PDT #984 of 1424
You know, we could experiment and cancel football.

Gorram double post

Tamara - May 27, 2005 7:35:16 pm PDT #985 of 1424
You know, we could experiment and cancel football.

I saw the first really really rough screening in December and last night I. WAS.BLOWN. AWAY.

I didn't think it could be better but the CGI (what was finished) is amazing. The shockers get easier to bear on repeat viewing (but the crying remains). I don't remember some of the shocking dreams that River has when Reavers grab her from the previous viewing. I think those were added.

I couldn't believe I forgot tissue and I am officially Summer Glau's bitch.

Theodosia - May 28, 2005 4:58:04 am PDT #986 of 1424
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

Sorry to have missed you, Lilty! I totally forgot you were supposed to have been there. Happily, I at least got to see Jon and Frank for a sweet bit.

Jon B. - May 28, 2005 6:54:16 am PDT #987 of 1424
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

So, was I the only one who thought, "gee, Joss turned River into Buffy, or maybe Dana"?

Who's Dana?

Kalshane - May 28, 2005 7:20:27 am PDT #988 of 1424
GS: If you had to choose between kicking evil in the head or the behind, which would you choose, and why? Minsc: I'm not sure I understand the question. I have two feet, do I not? You do not take a small plate when the feast of evil welcomes seconds.

Crazy slayer from Angel season 5. The episode with Andrew.

Jon B. - May 28, 2005 7:39:36 am PDT #989 of 1424
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Oh right. I was thinking of Buffista Dana and was very confused.