Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Gorram double post
I saw the first really really rough screening in December and last night I. WAS.BLOWN. AWAY.
I didn't think it could be better but the CGI (what was finished) is amazing. The shockers get easier to bear on repeat viewing (but the crying remains). I don't remember some of the shocking dreams that River has when Reavers grab her from the previous viewing. I think those were added.
I couldn't believe I forgot tissue and I am officially Summer Glau's bitch.
Sorry to have missed you, Lilty! I totally forgot you were supposed to have been there. Happily, I at least got to see Jon and Frank for a sweet bit.
So, was I the only one who thought, "gee, Joss turned River into Buffy, or maybe Dana"?
Who's Dana?
Crazy slayer from Angel season 5. The episode with Andrew.
Oh right. I was thinking of Buffista Dana and was very confused.
I still kept thinking "He'll be ok." for a minute or so after. As if he wasn't so very, very impaled.I cursed myself for not seeing it coming, but mostly I cursed Joss for making me forget to. See, during the whole flight-through-gigantic-battle bit, I kept thinking, "Oh crap oh crap oh crap at any moment someone's going to bite it who's going to bite it any second now oh god" and it kept not happening. Once they hit atmo and things changed to "how will we avoid crashing" rather than "who's going to blow us out of the sky" my thought process shifted and I forgot to keep asking myself who was going to die. Which is why it was only after THAT that someone finally did bite it. When I realized what he'd done, I though, "Crap, he did it to me again."
It was stupid of me. I don't know why, but the idea of a big death very honestly didn't even occur to me. When Book died, I was sad, but since he wasn't onboard Serenity anymore, it didn't seem as much like the core unit was being broken up.
It shocked me, but didn't anger me- if I didn't apparently enjoy having my heart ripped up and fed to me at unexpected times, I guess I would have gotten off the Joss train a long time ago.
In retrospect, it makes all kinds of sense that we had two deaths. It'd be a bit too weak-ass standard movie fare to have the Beloved Friend of the intrepid crew be the only one to die; that's action movie material there, the sort of thing to emphasize that our main characters are invincible themselves. You've got to kill someone closer to the action too.
More important (maybe) is that in potential sequels there will only be seven key players, which means more development for everyone. Expect "Serenity II: Ooh, Shiny" to be even tighter because of a reduced requirement to hit so many bases.