(is that Joss, behind, just between the two techy-looking people wearing jeans? Can someone confirm that for me?)
Looks like his head to me.
I also didn't see Simon in any of the pics, just Inara and Mal.
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
(is that Joss, behind, just between the two techy-looking people wearing jeans? Can someone confirm that for me?)
Looks like his head to me.
I also didn't see Simon in any of the pics, just Inara and Mal.
The presence of Joss makes me feel confident that whatever's happening in the scene and whatever their lines are, it's going to be good and worth watching. They're very feel-good pictures: in Joss I trust, and such like.
Saw Joss in spoiler pics. Saw Mal in spoiler pics. Saw Inara (who looked worried, uncertain, extremely slender) in spoiler pics.
t Hangs head in shame at falling off spoiler wagon.
I'm guessing we are seeing Reaver aftermath.
I'm not sure that is Inara.
Any suggestions, then, Tamara? I wondered, but decided that was the safest guess.
It looks like Inara to me. Shiny pictures, grommit. Although I would say slightly more spoilerish than costumes. Not that I'm complaining. It just makes me wish that April 22nd were much closer!
Wait! I had a spoilerish thingy. No big secret just a casting bit I got off of IMDB. The girl who played the Newly Activated Slayer at Bat in the last Buffy ep has a part in Serenity.
Newly Activated Slayer at Bat in the last Buffy ep has a part in Serenity.
This so entirely cool. I don't care if it is true. It makes me love the Joss even more, in a basso-profundo macho kind of way.
I don't know who it might be. Pure speculation but, wouldn't it seem reasonable that there would be another pretty girl that Mal could have a crush on and Inara could be jealous about?
I think that's the mousy woman who moves into Inara's shuttle when Inara's money is tight, and then steals her clothes, hairstyle, makeup, and boyfriend in a psychotic effort to replace her long dead twin sister.