I'm not sure that is Inara.
Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
Any suggestions, then, Tamara? I wondered, but decided that was the safest guess.
It looks like Inara to me. Shiny pictures, grommit. Although I would say slightly more spoilerish than costumes. Not that I'm complaining. It just makes me wish that April 22nd were much closer!
Wait! I had a spoilerish thingy. No big secret just a casting bit I got off of IMDB. The girl who played the Newly Activated Slayer at Bat in the last Buffy ep has a part in Serenity.
Newly Activated Slayer at Bat in the last Buffy ep has a part in Serenity.
This so entirely cool. I don't care if it is true. It makes me love the Joss even more, in a basso-profundo macho kind of way.
I don't know who it might be. Pure speculation but, wouldn't it seem reasonable that there would be another pretty girl that Mal could have a crush on and Inara could be jealous about?
I think that's the mousy woman who moves into Inara's shuttle when Inara's money is tight, and then steals her clothes, hairstyle, makeup, and boyfriend in a psychotic effort to replace her long dead twin sister.
I think that's the mousy woman who moves into Inara's shuttle when Inara's money is tight
FINALLY some real juicy spoilers!!!
Wow. That's a brilliant new plot. Joss is a GENIUS!!!
I think that's the mousy woman who moves into Inara's shuttle when Inara's money is tight
Ooh. Cross-pollination. Brilliant!