I miss Oz. He'd get it. He wouldn't say anything, but he'd get it.

Xander ,'Get It Done'

Firefly Spoilers  

Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.

DCJensen - Aug 05, 2003 7:46:55 pm PDT #400 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

Sometimes someone dies because that character dies, not because they are a Symbol of Gender Issues.

Sometimes people ask where the staplers are kept because they don't know and You Look Like Someone Competent.

On the other hand... Gender Bias baflles me anyway.

I tend to make coffee in any office I'm working in if the pots are in need of it and I'm bored on break. I have been surprised by how surprised the women are near the coffee brewing machine.

It never occured to me until college that a perfectly capable man IRL would ask the nearest woman to make coffee instead of doing it himself. I thought it was an old TV stereotype.

At my last job, it was pathetic that no one bothered to show me where the supplies were and I had to ask several people over the course of two weeks. Usually "in the supply room, around the other side" was the most common answer, male or female.

thessaly - Aug 05, 2003 7:52:50 pm PDT #401 of 1424
"...and that calls for some hard-hitting, potentially violent SCIENCE!"

I hear ya, and I often have no problem helping an officemate find something. The times when it annoyed me, me & one of my staff kept getting pre-empted by a salesweasle/other staff to do secretarial/office supply things which was *not* part of the job description. If my title has "Director" in it, you can safely assume, even in a small office, that I am not going to stop what I'm doing to find you staples, not out of rabid feminism, but out of having much more important things to do.

Also, the office was really, really small. Go look, fer chrissakes! It's a closet! My breasts don't hide the office supplies either! :)

Allyson - Aug 05, 2003 8:06:11 pm PDT #402 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

Gender sterotypes. There are about 500 secretaries at my workplace, and only two of them are male.

We are the only people who know where the staplers are, where they come from, and how to refill them. Not that we aren't happy to share the information with the mostly male staff we support, it's just that it's too trivial a matter for them to remember, until they have loose papers that need fastening. And then, if I am not there to refill an empty stapler, it is a TRAGEDY.

We are also not allowed to change our titles from Secretary to Administrative Assistant, as this may confuse the people we support into thinking we are Administrators, who are the people who work on budgets.

So, yeah, my tits have stapler-finding radar, and gender bullshit is alive and well in Pasadena.

DCJensen - Aug 05, 2003 8:19:26 pm PDT #403 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

So the two male secretaries also come to you? Otherwise, it sounds mostly like Stupidus Corporatus, the workers who can't be expected to do daily things any human with a brain should know.

Allyson - Aug 05, 2003 8:30:17 pm PDT #404 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I think the point flew over your head and out of the window, Daniel. Out of more than 500 secretaries, 2 are male.

DCJensen - Aug 05, 2003 8:39:35 pm PDT #405 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

I do not dispute the fact that 99.96% being female is gender stereotyping, whether it be through society or some gender issues by your HR staff.

I would also hasten to add that if someone capable of advancement to the other "suits" level are being blocked because they are a woman, kick their arse.

I was just pointing out that the stapler panic part was typical of many suit-type people in corporateland, who apparently can't seem to be expected to function outside of their limited function of their little worlds.

I think if I saw the ratio you describe, I'd think I had dropped through a wormhole to the 60's.

DCJensen - Aug 05, 2003 8:40:11 pm PDT #406 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

Meanwhile: Minearthread!!!!!!

Allyson - Aug 05, 2003 8:52:19 pm PDT #407 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

I don't work in a corporation, I work in a government laboratory. When the suits are overwhelmingly male, and the people that serve the suits are overwhelmingly female, there's an underlying issue, especially when the females are denied prestige. Anecdotally, the very small handful of women I support can order a stapler, refill it, and find replacement staplers when needed. I am sure some women cannot. I am sure some men can, but where I work, it's completely predictable as to who can and cannot do such things as fill a stapler, and some other tasks that they find beneath them, like cleaning the coffee maker. I let it get moldy and stink. I made a rule that whomever runs a meeting is responsible for pushing back the chairs and making sure trash goes in the can. Has gone unheeded.

Thankfully, no one asks me to clean it, and more recently, one of the guys cleaned it. Progress.

I also don't keep candy on my desk, despite inquiries as to why I don't. Candy leads to baked goods, and baked goods remind them of mommy, and soon they call you at 3am from Sydney because they lost their shoes, and all of this can be blamed on cookies.

DCJensen - Aug 05, 2003 8:59:06 pm PDT #408 of 1424
All is well that ends in pizza.

If it helps, I was shocked at the number of clueless men in college trying to do laundry.

Unlike many men in the dorm, my clothes did not fade into one shade of dingy gray or pink after one semester.

Allyson - Aug 05, 2003 9:01:22 pm PDT #409 of 1424
Wait, is this real-world child support, where the money goes to buy food for the kids, or MRA fantasyland child support where the women just buy Ferraris and cocaine? -Jessica

My mom taught my brother how to do laundry, but he still stomps them into the washer so that some barely get wet, and smell worse than when he started. Interestingly, he learned how to propoerly wash clothes, and iron them, in the Marine Corps.