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Firefly Spoilers
Discussion of all Firefly episodes, including "Trash", "The Message", "Heart of Gold", and any movie news.
OK. I posted a notice over in the fanfic section. Won't bother you folks anymore. Know very little about computers and/or "posting offboard" or "links". email gives me trouble, truth be told. Peace.
Is it just me and my poor memory, or have some sceens had noticable editing since the first preview.
(No, I can't remember any specific examples at this moment.)
Yeah. The little quick cuts were new. As were a couple lines, I think. The blue filter at the start of River's fight scene (which I think really helped the altered mental state aspect of it) was also new. I think the ridiculously bright light during Mal's speech was new too (and annoying). I'm pretty sure we never saw any of Inara shooting her bow thing or Simon gunning down the Reaver in the original cut.
I thought we saw Simon shooting in the last print because it made me think of Book's line in "War Stories" about Simon still not having shot someone. Yes? No?
I thought we saw Simon shooting in the last print because it made me think of Book's line in "War Stories" about Simon still not having shot someone. Yes? No?
You might have. I didn't see the second screening. It's possible it was added for that one, or maybe it's always been there and was edited to be more obvious or maybe I just didn't notice the first time through.
I did notice a couple things this time that I didn't notice last time that I think were there, just not something you pick up normally. Like when they're flying into the Reaver swarm and it shows the whole crew through the windshield, Jayne looks like he's hugging his gun like a teddy bear. Also, the bottle of whatever Jayne and Simon drink from during the scene with Mal's speech has the Blue Sun label on it. Finally, I think Jayne is wearing his orange hat when he first leaves the ship on Beaumont. (Lest someone think I have an obsession, I know I saw some tidbits that weren't Jayne-related, but I can't think of them at the moment.)
Raisin Nut Bran-
So the movie's climax didn't piss me off time, since I was ready for it. I still think there's just too much going on in rapid succession without a chance to release tension. My friend who saw it for the first time tonight agreed, but also brought up the point that the constant boom-boom-no-time-to-think tension accurately represents the characters' state of mind at that point. Which I will agree with, but I still think you need to give the audience a break or they will force one for themselves, like I did the first time.
I can't say I enjoyed it better or worse the second time, I just know I enjoyed it differently. The first time was incredibly intense but led to me being overloaded and shutting myself off from the it. The second time I was able to just relax and enjoy it for what it was. Both have their benefits and drawbacks.
Yeah, I also noticed those things you mentioned.
I think the only thing I really didn't like about the movie (aside from Simon and Jayne not professing their previously unspoken but implied attraction, of course) was that the final standoff was a little too obviously a set piece. I get the tactical reason they'd pick a place like that to hole up, but it was the one setting in the movie that felt like a soundstage rather than a real location.
I can see how people might have an "oh, come ON!" reaction to the reveal of Mr. Universe's backup system and attendant whirly reactor core of grisly death-by-julienne, but my response, like Jessica's, was to be reminded of Galaxy Quest's similar scene with Sigourney Weaver and crack up.
God, that was seriously intense. May have more to say after I catch up in the thread, but that won't be until at least Sunday.
I really almost barfed. aversion to gore + deep and abiding love for characters = much difficulty watching the fight scenes