Yeah, there was some discussion about an animated version, but it seems to have been dropped (thank heavens). There's also a couple issues of a comic book out there as well.
I wonder if the Hensons will resurrect the moribund magazine and book series. Not that that's necessarily a good thing: the authorized Farscape fiction has been generally appalling.
However, they could go a different way. A British publisher, Fandemonium, is producing new Stargate novels written by fan writers. Julie Fortune's got a Stargate novel coming out this month or next, and from what I've seen it promises to be good. God knows she's got a much better handle on the characters and their voices than most professional writers, and she has a track record of writing excellent plot-heavy gen, which is just what you'd need for such an enterprise.
The Peacekeeper Wars DVD, btw, is being released by Lions Gate, not ADV, and they're hoping for a December release so that people will still have the show fresh in their minds, and want to buy it. But nothing's set in stone yet.
Ooh, that's excellent news. . .
Excellent news, Jessica.
Also? David Bianculli loved the mini. He's my One True NPR TV Guy -- I remember back in 1998 when he was pimping Buffy. Rock on.
December? Wicked frelling awesome.
Non-spoilery post-Bad Timing short snippet by Thea, with snark and firefights. In case you need something to get you through to Sunday (or, err, whenever your DL finishes *g*).
Hey, Strega, are you guys going to do recaps for Farscape?
Hm, laugh or cry, laugh or cry...?
It pained me to see Chloe completely sucked of her character for half an episode, but it made it that much more refreshing when we got her back. And I agree with Kalshane about that scene with Lois. That was the best scene in the episode. I found Lois annoying in the first episode, but she grew on me. I really like how she calls Clark "Smallville."
I really like how she calls Clark "Smallville."
Well, that's straight out of the comics (much like Mary Jane's "Tiger" in Spiderman) and makes a little less sense when she's actually in Smallville, surrounded by Smallvillites as opposed to the "Hey, this new guy is from the boondocks" origin of the nickname in the comics, but it is a nice shout out to said comics. But yeah, she was a lot of fun.
Also fun? Allison Mack in that football jersey. Though that scene gave me a serious Xander and Willow in BB&B flashback.