I really like how she calls Clark "Smallville."
Well, that's straight out of the comics (much like Mary Jane's "Tiger" in Spiderman) and makes a little less sense when she's actually in Smallville, surrounded by Smallvillites as opposed to the "Hey, this new guy is from the boondocks" origin of the nickname in the comics, but it is a nice shout out to said comics. But yeah, she was a lot of fun.
Also fun? Allison Mack in that football jersey. Though that scene gave me a serious Xander and Willow in BB&B flashback.
They are increasing my "Are all these people very stoned" factor, though, with the character call-backs (as opposed to writer winks to us).
How, in the name of everything holy, can you get from here to there and no one connect dots, especially since we're establishing through lines like "Smallville", even with Lois being canonically slow on the glasses uptake. With Lex, at this point, I can only wank it to a mind-wipe or Lionel-becomes-Lex or something like that.
And then I remember that MR is very pretty and the rest of it gets kinda blurry.
Lois, in her ten minutes in town, has been a direct witness to almost as much as departed Pete.
Did they have an explanation for the randomly superheated gun?
How, in the name of everything holy, can you get from here to there and no one connect dots, especially since we're establishing through lines like "Smallville", even with Lois being canonically slow on the glasses uptake.
Clark has eyejaculated in front of Lois
now. He's getting sloppy.
With Lex, at this point, I can only wank it to a mind-wipe or Lionel-becomes-Lex or something like that.
Even that doesn't work, because Lionel seems just as close to knowing as Lex. All he lacks is solid proof.
Hasn't Lionel seen (during the fake blind period), plus having had his blood?
At this point I've pretty much given up on Smallville connecting to the Superman universe we know, at least not sensibly. I don't know, maybe they've got some big surprise lined up for season 5 that will somehow make everything fall into place, but I doubt it. More likely, some disgruntled highschool kid drops a piece of newly-discovered mauve kryptonite into a vat of whip cream that starts a chain reaction resulting in everyone in Smallville having selective amnesia trigged by blue and red tights.
Did they have an explanation for the randomly superheated gun?
Clark has eyejaculated in front of Lois twice now. He's getting sloppy.
No kidding. Compound that with him tossing General Lane's soldiers around like rag dolls and I don't know how even the most thick-lensed hornrims in the universe are going to hide his ass.
Hasn't Lionel seen (during the fake blind period), plus having had his blood?
And also, I have no idea how anyone let the superheated gun go. Clark
brought it up, and no one bothered to ask what happened. It's like they don't even care anymore.
More likely, some disgruntled highschool kid drops a piece of newly-discovered mauve kryptonite into a vat of whip cream that starts a chain reaction resulting in everyone in Smallville having selective amnesia trigged by blue and red tights.
Kalshane, the sad thing is I can totally see that happening.
Smallville really, really needs to bring on the pink kryptonite during sweeps.
Everyone wins.
Compound that with him tossing General Lane's soldiers around like rag dolls
Heck, she did the same. Then again, she knows all those fancy martial arts that render bodyarmor useless.