OK, I enjoyed that.
I liked
Burke. I mean, stereotypical wise-cracking sidekick--yeah, but he was entertaining. When he came out with the bazooka-thingie to blow away the zombie-guy, I cackled in remembrance of Buffy in Innocence. I liked the moment at the end between Daniel and Chuck (which is always I'll think of the guy: Chuck, Mulder's geeky science friend) with, "err, I don't think it's on." "Yeah, we're probably safe." followed by Daniel taking a little jump to the side.
Another happy making thing: No sign of Moron!Jack. Yay!
By the way, my TiVo cut off the last minute. What did
Jack say to Sam after he congratulated her on her command?
They kind of stared at each other and then Jack said something like "wanna get lunch?"
When he came out with the bazooka-thingie to blow away the zombie-guy, I cackled in remembrance of Buffy in Innocence.
If you listen when they blow away the zombie, there's a distinct *splat* that makes me laugh every time.
Another happy making thing: No sign of Moron!Jack. Yay!
I know, right? That was half of the commentary after it aired in the UK. "Look! Jack has a brain! God, he's hot."
The end was:
SAM: We did manage to make it out alive, sir.
JACK: There's that. (They look at each other. Some more. No, some more.) Lunch? (They walk out together.)
Wise-Cracking-yet-Angst-Ridden Former Buddy who May Have Shot Another Buddy for Nobody Knows What Reason!Guy seem kind of
out of nowhere for anybody else? I guess no more so than
Daniel heads off to Latin America, when he is captured by gun-toting Accent!Guys having nothing to do with anything.
Edit: Look! I'm invisible! Must be the radioactive isotopes! Aw, shoot. Think they wore off.
Sorry, that was me not closing a tag.
Out of nowhere... yeah, pretty much. I figure they said "well, Jack needs someone to talk to... hey, I met Enrico Colantoni at a party once!"
I do love that guy.
Is it wrong that I love him from Just Shoot Me?
The thing I liked about Burke is that
he allowed Jack to be the straight man. (OK, not like that. Uhh, you know what I mean.) I love it when Jack does ultra-dry. ::happy sigh:: I recognized half way through that the actor was the beret-wearing goof from Just Shoot Me, which took me out of the moment wee bit. But I shrugged my shoulders and cheerfully soldiered on because, look! Jack I love! And recognize! And is competent!
The music cracked me up. There they were, in the midst of crazy gun battles with a zombie!terrorist in bandana to boot, and what is the action set to? Romantic guitar music! 'Cause we're in South America!
Is it wrong that I love him from Just Shoot Me?
He was my favorite character on the show.
'Cause we're in South America!
In the jungles... of Peru... which look nothing at all like Vancouver, hey look it's a python!