Griffin, do you watch Buffy or are you a Firefly fan?
Both. Been a Buffy fan since ever since the movie (anyone else ever wanted Pike to make an appearance on the show?) and have just gotten hooked on Firefly in time for it to be cancelled *grumble*. But I'm not into Angel and havn't followed that show for quite some time.
Is it still snowing in Halifax? It started about 1 AM here, and it's still coming down. I'd say there's about 25-30 cms on the ground. They haven't bothered to begin plowing either so we're kind of trapped. (And I'm the only able-bodied shoveller -- Yikes!!!)
My dad will have to break out the snowshoes to make it to the Jr. Hockey game he has tickets for tonight.
Megan, how was your Christmas?
Is it still snowing in Halifax? It started about 1 AM here, and it's still coming down. I'd say there's about 25-30 cms on the ground.
The snow seems to have stopped here. Doesn't look like more than 15 cm or so on the ground, but I havn't been outside yet to determine an accurate measure. Overall, not nearly as bad as we'd feared.
Looks like moving will be happening tomorrow and Saturday. See what I get for not paying attention? But dinner on Monday is definately a possible, just need to determine where. And even the new roomie (also a Buffy fan) was interested in meeting other Haligonian Buffy fans, so maybe we can get a ride in her ultimately more parkable vehicle if the place of dining is toward downtownish.
Trudy leaves very early on January 4th. Griff, the place we will go, at least for drinks, is the Fireside, which is on Brenton street, just above Spring Garden. Street parking is possible, but you can also park in the lot behind Shoppers. I work until 7pm, so meeting at the Fireside at 7 works great. We can at least have drinks, there will be a bunch of us, so we might have to eat a little spread out.
I slept until 1:30; Brian woke me when everybody else was up. I had no problem getting home. Called a cab and it only took 5 minutes to get to the store, even though they said it could be as long as an hour wait. The driving was slow, but not horrible.
We are TTT bound tomorrow. Does anyone want to get together this weekend?
I'm glad to hear you made it home okay, Elena.
I'm also very glad that my parent's neighbor is a superior human being and cleared our driveway with his snowblower.
he cleared his own even. So I only had to shovel the walk and a little around the car.
I would be into doing something this weekend. I'll probably get home Saturday afternoon.
Still haven't seen TTT. My sister wants to go, but she's a talker, and I'd probably have to kill her.
It would be a shame to kill your sister at Christmas. So you're in Monday, for sure?
We could have a get together with hot chocolate and games (and possibly snowmen) on Sunday if people feel like killing a couple of hours.
I am in Monday, yes. Games on Sunday might be fun.
Okay... Games on Sunday, afternoonish.... Say, 2pm. Barb will probably be in town if people need rides (weather permitting).
Griff, I know that you and the SO will be moving, but if you feel like taking the afternoon off, lemme know and I'll give you address info. I live in Fairview, myself.
Elena, meeting up to hang out on Sunday might be nice. A day off would certainly help the stress levels if nothing else and the bulk of moving will be happening Friday and Saturday so we can claim it as a celebration.