Mal: We're still flying. Simon: That's not much. Mal: It's enough.


Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness  

[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!

Megan E. - Aug 25, 2004 2:17:39 am PDT #6565 of 6793

There's a chance they may re-run the race, but Felicien, as instigator, could not run.

Not only that, she's injured and had her foot all bandaged up and wouldn't have been able to race anyway. CRAP!

Megan E. - Aug 25, 2004 4:22:34 am PDT #6566 of 6793

My boss brought in donuts this morning for our meeting. This caused a rousing round of "Toffeeeee, Hey Toffee!"

Unfortunately they were not Tim's donuts so there was no toffee.

Sue - Aug 25, 2004 4:23:50 am PDT #6567 of 6793
hip deep in pie

Oh, how I hate that commercial.

Megan E. - Aug 25, 2004 4:41:09 am PDT #6568 of 6793

Most commercials don't bother me (some even amuse me), other than Car, diaper, and feminine hygiene ads. Cause you know, Being a Girl doesn't always Rock.

JohnSweden - Aug 25, 2004 5:11:12 am PDT #6569 of 6793
I can't even.

Unfortunately they were not Tim's donuts so there was no toffee.

This just seems wrong somehow.

Cause you know, Being a Girl doesn't always Rock.

The advertisers are making men pay for all those years of beer commercials with the constant running of the viagra/cialis ads. Is Viagra the official sponsor of the Olympic spirit "Higher, Faster, Stronger" now?

Megan E. - Aug 25, 2004 5:15:10 am PDT #6570 of 6793

Is Viagra the official sponsor of the Olympic spirit "Higher, Faster, Stronger" now?

gives a whole new meeting to the "pole vault".

Trudy Booth - Aug 25, 2004 7:46:21 am PDT #6571 of 6793
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Unfortunately they were not Tim's donuts

Dear GOD!

What is your boss, an American ?

Megan E. - Aug 25, 2004 9:59:30 am PDT #6572 of 6793

What is your boss, an American ?

They were Robin's Donuts which has no American stores so I think she was just cheap and buying us substandard baked goods!

Cranberry - Aug 25, 2004 10:05:30 pm PDT #6573 of 6793
I was fine when existence had no meaning. Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning -- that I get. But meaninglessness in a universe with meaning? What does that mean?

Have you talked to your friend yet, Dani? If the rumor's true, people need to go and take pictures!

Dani - Aug 26, 2004 6:01:19 am PDT #6574 of 6793
I believe vampires are the world's greatest golfers

Pouring rain here right now, so it's not a good day for stalking.

The only current shoot my friend knows of is a CBS disaster MOTW with Randy Quaid & Brian Dennehy. [Yes, we get the big stars here.] Doesn't seem like the kind of project Caroline would be in, though...

If he hears anything else he's going to call me.