That is why I had a sandwich for supper. No hot ovens involved. I did an insano walk around ths city this afternoon wearing my birkenstocks and now I have a blister on the bottom of my foot. Owie!
I also have an idiot burn on my neck, and a less red arms. I have to remember to bring sunscreen with me, because it doesn't work if you sweat it off.
Sue, what was the food processor you got? I'm trying to shop for one now, but I'm not sure what size to get.
I got a Braun, because it has variable speeds and I like to use it as a mixer. However, I have to say that my isn't as stable as the Braun my mother has. (It vibrates a lot on high speeds.) All my Research indicated that the Kitchen Aid were the best brand. A full-sized one is about $350. This one is the one I almost bought. The Braun was about $150.
The link took me to the opening page, though. Which were you going to get?
Ouise -- go through the process of putting in your postal code, etc. Then copy and paste the link above again. That worked for me.
No, I have no good reason for looking. Sue me.
Is anyone going to watch the boaties today? I'm of two minds, especially since it's rainy.
Hey, quit that!
How are things in Haligonia-land?