I took too tylenol yesterday at work since I can't take ibuprofen or aspirin and I had a wicked headache. 20 minutes later I had trouble breathing, felt light headed, nauseated, my hands swelled up, and was doubled over in pain -- same thing that happens when I take ibuprofen. Brent came and picked me up. At home I was sick, took benadryl and then passed out in bed for 3 hours.
Such fun!
My god, there is nothing left for you but narcotics!
bring on the percocet!
I'm in my jammies. I should probably join the real world soon.
I should probably join the real world soon.
Why would you want to do that?
Eeep! Megan, that's terrible. I hope you recover quickly.
Oh, I'm fine now. I apparently just have to remove the offending substance from my system and then catch a few zzzz's.
{{{Megan}}} I'm glad you are feeling better.
thanks sj.
Off to get groceries. Right now all we have to eat in the house is pop, beer, hotdog buns, veggie burgers, and one tomato.
I'd would say that my fridge is just full of rotting vegetables, but I jsut came back form the market, so it's full of fresh and rotting vegetables. But, I have rasberries, which are so, so good!
I probably shouldn't have bought anything besides berries, because this weather is not encouraging me to cook at all.
I have two banana breads in the oven and i had to escape the heat by going into the basement. This is really not cooking weather is it. Too fecking humid!