It's still on at midnight.
I never see midnight on a week night. Stupid Comedy Network. According to their web site, it has moved to 2:00 pm Eastern, which is the time that W moved Cash in the Attic to as well. Conspiracy?
Stupid Leafs! Stupid stupid stuff.
You know, I was in a good mood before I stepped into the office. Stupid office.
I just sent this to the Comedy Network:
Dear Comedy Network:
Just wanted to express my disappointment at your decision to move the Daily Show rebroadcasts from 5:00 Eastern to 2:00. I enjoyed being able to watch TDS during my supper hour (I live in Nova Scotia) and it was the perfect ending to a hectic day working for government. In Living Color is a poor, poor substitute and I will not be tuning in to watch the In Living Color dancers or Jim Carrey's "before he was famous" antics.
Now that I no longer have WKRP (replaced by the appallingly bad Beat the Geeks) or The Daily Show to watch after work, I will no longer be tuning in to your station.
Best of luck with your programming decisions. May they serve you well.
I never see midnight on a week night. Stupid Comedy Network. According to their web site, it has moved to 2:00 pm Eastern, which is the time that W moved Cash in the Attic to as well. Conspiracy?
Megan, I think the office is turning us both into cranks, BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!!!
My response from the Comedy Network:
Hi Megan,
Thank you for your email. We're sorry to hear that the new broadcast timesfor "The Daily Show" no longer fit your schedule. Do know that program changes are made constantly and hopefully "The Daily Show" will return to a time slot better suited for your needs. Till then....can't we still be friends? :)
Thank you for your interest in The Comedy Network.
Till then....can't we still be friends? :)
I am the Vendetta to their Charlotte. I will make a fiend and set it loose on them.
I see that Space is having a Victoria Day Angel Marathon, which is also the day of the finale, yes?
If no-one else is in ahead of me, I'm planning on having a party that day, starting in the afternoon. I'll be finished with the actuarial exam by then.
In other news, I am sick. Bleargh. It hit me suddenly yesterday evening, and I could hardly sleep at all. I gave up at 3:30 and just got up. I'm going to be feeling very odd tomorrow.