I can't garden because Brent left and took the key to the shed. I'll just sit and admire it I guess.
Guess that little blue key in the car's change dish didn't catch your eye. =)
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
I can't garden because Brent left and took the key to the shed. I'll just sit and admire it I guess.
Guess that little blue key in the car's change dish didn't catch your eye. =)
Guess that little blue key in the car's change dish didn't catch your eye.
What blue key? Where? In the car? Yup, I missed that.
Damn the Comedy Network and its incessant screwing woith my suppertime TV watching!!! First SCTV and now no more Daily Show rebroadcasts!!!!
Daily show is gone? Frell on a stick
It's still on at midnight.
It's repeated at 4 am, 10 am and 3 pm. NONE of which are useful times. Grr.
It's repeated at 4 am, 10 am and 3 pm. NONE of which are useful times. Grr.
Those times suck....
It's still on at midnight.
I never see midnight on a week night. Stupid Comedy Network. According to their web site, it has moved to 2:00 pm Eastern, which is the time that W moved Cash in the Attic to as well. Conspiracy?
Stupid Leafs! Stupid stupid stuff.
You know, I was in a good mood before I stepped into the office. Stupid office.
I just sent this to the Comedy Network:
Dear Comedy Network:
Just wanted to express my disappointment at your decision to move the Daily Show rebroadcasts from 5:00 Eastern to 2:00. I enjoyed being able to watch TDS during my supper hour (I live in Nova Scotia) and it was the perfect ending to a hectic day working for government. In Living Color is a poor, poor substitute and I will not be tuning in to watch the In Living Color dancers or Jim Carrey's "before he was famous" antics.
Now that I no longer have WKRP (replaced by the appallingly bad Beat the Geeks) or The Daily Show to watch after work, I will no longer be tuning in to your station.
Best of luck with your programming decisions. May they serve you well.
I never see midnight on a week night. Stupid Comedy Network. According to their web site, it has moved to 2:00 pm Eastern, which is the time that W moved Cash in the Attic to as well. Conspiracy?
Megan, I think the office is turning us both into cranks, BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!!!!