How did you like it, Mecha? I've heard good things about it.
What can I say? I laughed. I cried. I fell down. It was good. The end.
Actually, I spent a good chunk of it making Road to Avonlea jokes, but I make no apologies.
You still planning to make it up to Ottawa?
Damn right. I'm going to jail.
Kim wants you and Brian to help paint murals in the nursery. She's resigned to getting skulls and zombie-bunnies.
Man. I'm horrible at painting. I'll give it a go though.
You can sketch them, Brian can paint them.
Ah, Sarah Polley.. . Okay, that makes more sense to me now.
What else is up?
Not a great deal. I might not be working weekends anymore, though a new and better job has yet to rear it's head. I'm very tired. Yeah. That's it. Captain excitement, signing off.
Uh, oh. Rough seas ahead?
Here's hopin'. In other news, I'm watching Wonderfalls, and Jaye's sweater is problematic on a great many levels.
I'm at work... And now I know that there is a promlematic sweater. Great.
And now I know that there is a promlematic sweater. Great.
Spoiled for the sweater, damn, that ruins the whole ep.
(Actually her whole wardrobe is kinda questionable, but it isn't spoilage)
I wasn't being serious, John.
I wasn't being serious, John.
Me neither. Rarely am. Often a tease, though.
Megan, I would complain to the management company about him offering to clean. Did you think their points were legitimate? Remember about normal wear...
I have lost my voice and I'm insanely congested. It sucks.