We looked at a dozen houses over 2 days, and bought one we love. We've looked at 200+ couches over 3 weeks, and can't find one we like & can afford. Where is the logic in that?
Of course I can find dozens I like....online. www.funkysofa.com has a bundle - but they're in California. Bah!
Go steal one of Elena's couches. We'll never tell.
The cats might kill us if we try to take their sleeping spots away.
We could take the cats too... ;)
Ooo... now that's an idea.
An awful idea!
A wonderful, awful idea!
But if they see the couches at your house (shortly after theirs were stolen) you can plead remarkable coincidence and produce forged documents.
Lenny and George, however, would rat you out.
No self-respecting cat would ever 'rat out'. ;)
I was thinking that it might involve a literal rat.
Ah, now you're telling a different tail...