eta: Healthma to your mom, Sue.
(You’re an Atlantic Canadian, right?) Um, I have some links from a time in my life when I was researching cancers. My mom has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). As far as cancer goes, it’s usually like a cold, relatively speaking. Here are a bunch of URLs, FYI:
I like this site:
SUe, I'm sending lots of health~ma to your dad and support~ma to you and your family.
Tonight and tomorrow we will be holding the last of the NS job fairs! I will have two more to attend but I don't have any organization to do for those ones. So if you can spare some job fair-ma, I'd appreciate it.
Sue, health-ma to your dad.
I bought tickets to go to Montreal a week from today. I'll be visiting family and friends there. Does anyone know where I can get the schedule for the airport bus here (ie the shuttle bus to the halifax airport)? I can't seem to find one anywhere.
All the hotels should have them. I usually pick up one at the Prince George but I bet the Citadel has some.
Thanks guys.
I woke up with a headache this morning, and feeling pretty drained so I called in sick. I then slept until 12:30.
I always just call them, Louise, and tell them when my flight is, and when I want to get to the airport and they tell me what time the bus comes...But I'm sure you can pick up a schedule form the Citadel or the Delta.
Sounds like you really needed the rest, Sue. I hope that the extra sleep helps.
I called the hotel I'd be catching the bus at (I'll be leaving from work, so it's not the one by my apartment) and asked, and there's one leaving at a pretty convenient time (as long as it's not late). If the scheduling looks too tight, I can always work an extra hour or two early next week and then leave early on Friday.
Oh, and don't worry. You officially have permission to be in my city without having the hounds released for anything short of Aggravated Action Figure Related Depravity. Think nothing of it, really.
You officially have permission to be in my city without having the hounds released for anything short of Aggravated Action Figure Related Depravity.
Nora asks if Cthulhu Related Depravity is ok. She suggests I take her mini plush Cthulhu along.