Ah, gaming... REAL gaming... From before gambling was changed to gaming because we all know that gambling is bad... And from before all these video game systems stealing our hobby's name! Uphill both ways! In a blizzard! In bare feet! Dag nabbit!
Sorry... I began feeling very old during that rant...
Man, I hate rolling dice uphill.
Just got back from RoTK, and oh the many gamer geek jokes. I liked when Merry rolled a 20 on his backstab attempt, and when the orcs failed their antagonism checks. That last one's more Warhammer, but still.
My sleep is so utterly fucked up.
I don't suppose anyone else is up?
Saw a post somewhere else (I think it was on the slashdot link somebody posted the other day) saying that Firefly had pretty much the same plot as most old Traveller campaigns with a bit of a western flavour added. I remember thinking the same thing when the show first started. Traveller was the first game I got into way back when, and there were so many times that Firefly felt like a good gaming session that I lost count. I suppose that's one of the many reasons I took such a shine to the show...
I've got to work later today, too... Overnight shift. I should be asleep all day. I won't be.
At least I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow... today... after the sun comes up...
Sun's up in, what, another 2&1/2, 3 hours?
Joys of working for myself...
Something like that...
eta: Feeling slightly slut-number-ish