Saw a post somewhere else (I think it was on the slashdot link somebody posted the other day) saying that Firefly had pretty much the same plot as most old Traveller campaigns with a bit of a western flavour added. I remember thinking the same thing when the show first started. Traveller was the first game I got into way back when, and there were so many times that Firefly felt like a good gaming session that I lost count. I suppose that's one of the many reasons I took such a shine to the show...
Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
Hi Elena... Me too...
I've got to work later today, too... Overnight shift. I should be asleep all day. I won't be.
At least I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow... today... after the sun comes up...
Sun's up in, what, another 2&1/2, 3 hours?
Joys of working for myself...
Something like that...
eta: Feeling slightly slut-number-ish
Traveller, I've never played. Quite a bit of ADND, including some truly bitchin' Oriental Adventures stuff, and more Palladium crap than one man should have to see.
Hey, Elena. I saw RoTK! In short, I found Arwen quite annoying, I continue to be aghast at the slighting of the Dwarf in favor of the prettier cast members (The Tyranny of the Cute Ones continues unabated), and I never really believed they wouldn't scour until they didn't.
Furthermore, I must say I think I prefer Helm's Deep just a bit to the Pellenor Fields, since it's much more about the throwing down of enemies and smiting their ruin upon the mountainside than the CGI beasties. Not that I didn't like Pellenor, but ...
On the plus side, the Witch King was balls nasty, and all different kinds of fearsome, Eowyn rocked, and the Eye, for good or ill, looks a lot less like a giant flaming vagina.
Oh, and Two kids in what, three years and change? Go team Gamgee!
ETA More gamer-geekouts from RoTK:
Sam is such a cheater. s 'I can't take the ring, but I can carry you.' Who's running this campaign and how could they let that slide?
Every half assed hack module ever owes it's 'cereberal' side to ripping off the good ol' prophecy two step.
Witch King: Yeah, I'm badass. Not a man alive can put a hand on me. Heh. Don't bother loving me, skip straight to the despair part. 'Cause no living man can mess with me. Yeah.
Eowyn: Attack Womb to the ready, ovaries charged ... Take that!
Witch King: Aw, nuts.
Nuts indeed.
I could really tell where the extended scenes were going to go.