Arrrghh! Me = idiot. I forgot to tape Firefly tonight.
Can some kind Haligonista take pity on me and lend me a VHS copy of tonight's episode? I can offer Xmas baking in return... profile address is good.
Hmph. I really didn't want to miss this either, since I was already spoiled for
/me chortles and hopes the ACMMs are enjoying the ep.
Actually all of us Canadians are... East to west, sea to shining (or is that shiny?) sea...
Definately shiny.
Also, was that a tattoo?? Of what?
Couldn't tell... At first it reminded me of one of the Shadow ships from B5 but I somehow don't think it was that...
Absolutely loved the Simon/Jayne/River scene at the end too...
"And also... I can kill you with my brain..."
Yes, did anyone get a close look at Mal's hip?
Dani, I'll fix you up. Drop me a line with your address.
Wow, Saffron was a big surprise.
Oh, wait, no she wasn't. BECAUSE FUCKING SPACE GAVE IT AWAY!!
I'm going to write to them asking them not to do that anymore.
I'll do a rewind and see what I can see...
Yes, 'Also, I can kill you with my brain.' is my favourite line of the episode.
And I love how heroic Simon is.
Wait 'Jayne's a girl's name.' may be my favourite line of the show.