Yes, did anyone get a close look at Mal's hip?
Dani, I'll fix you up. Drop me a line with your address.
Wow, Saffron was a big surprise.
Oh, wait, no she wasn't. BECAUSE FUCKING SPACE GAVE IT AWAY!!
I'm going to write to them asking them not to do that anymore.
I'll do a rewind and see what I can see...
Yes, 'Also, I can kill you with my brain.' is my favourite line of the episode.
And I love how heroic Simon is.
Wait 'Jayne's a girl's name.' may be my favourite line of the show.
'You can't miss a place you've never been.'
Simon all of a sudden rules like a thing that rules mightily.
Inara's hair is better.
ZOE DOES WHAT THEY ALL WANT TO DO! POW! RIGHT IN THE KISSER! (Hmm. I wonder if her hand fell asleep after that...)
Oh man, this show is fun.
Simon *does* rule!
It's about time folks realised it!
And I love Jayne.
Inara was much better this episode. Maybe I just missed her.
Re: the 'tatoo'...
Either a very abstract figure akin to a Rorschach (sp?) ink blot or a blob of black grease... Can't be sure which...
'I have a condition!' is probably my fave line.
Or maybe 'YOU BETTER RUN!'
Heh. What I like about YoSaffBrig is how she only has one card to play, and plays it over and over again.
Plus, the fact that Mal pulled a total Yossarian at the end and jusy walked around being naked for a while is high comedy.
They were all great this ep... Loved Wash's various reactions throughout too. Especially he and Zoe at the end... Regarding the end... and the rainstick...
Though Naked!Mal doesn't automatically lead me to comedy.