How goes the job search? Both of you, actually.
Not too badly. I've all but decided to try going into actuary science. I'm doing job-search workshops and starting to re-work my resume and all that stuff.
we getting together this month? When can people go out for supper or martinis? I wanna see you!
t /tantrum
Hem. Well, Happy Thanksgiving!
I've all but decided to try going into actuary science.
Does that mean I get a toaster?
Does that mean I get a toaster?
I think it should! By the way, would it be ok if I emailed you to ask about your experiences/opinions/advice?
Yo. Am back at work. Hate working. Want to be independently wealthy and glamourous. Sending out employment vibes to Mecha and Ouise even though working is evil.
t sends employment vibes northward
So, if the F2F heads north does anyone want the MechaSofa, or perhaps the floor of the War Room in my storage unit? First dibs to the Hali's, because I know them all and owe most of them favors. Heh.
My interview got delayed 'til demain, so I'll go apply for work at a Fromagerie while I'm waiting.
Mecha, could you find a Poutinerie to work at??