So, if the F2F heads north does anyone want the MechaSofa, or perhaps the floor of the War Room in my storage unit? First dibs to the Hali's, because I know them all and owe most of them favors. Heh.
My interview got delayed 'til demain, so I'll go apply for work at a Fromagerie while I'm waiting.
Mecha, could you find a Poutinerie to work at??
Hell, Mecha, you can crash at a nice hotel if the F2F comes to Montreal.
Hey there... just got home from Pilates across the harbour. I took the ferry so it made an hour long class into a 2.5 hour round trip excursion.
t looks into crystal ball
I see that you will be taking a sea journey.
t /trashes crystal ball
It always amused me that I'd have to travel across salt water to get to work (when I worked in Dartmouth).
It always amused me that I'd have to travel across salt water to get to work (when I worked in Dartmouth).
It's like taking a cruise every day! Except not.
If they'd just improve the food service and entertainment on the ferry...
Tonight they made an announcement about where to find the life jackets. That was a first for me.
Oh, they've been doing that for a while, intermittantly. I think because of the ferry accidents that happened in Europe and Africa.