Hah! Luxury. The only time I ever got Moose Nose Stew was when we hit one with our dogsled. And we couldn't even afford decent maple syrup to put in it, so it tasted all weird.
When whatever crazy day you celebrate thanksgiving rolls around, enjoy your reconstituted turkey pills with cream of mushroom soup on them. HaH!
Mecha, as always, you get straight to the moose nose of the matter.
Go vote! Everyone go vote!
How goes the job search? Both of you, actually.
I have an interview. With any luck, I'll be a register jockey soon. Sigh.
What about the night merchandiser job?
Also, did you know that there will be no Firefly tonight? Space is airing an all day Trek Movie Marathon in honour of Thanksgiving. Feh. I'd much rather have had an all day Firefly marathon.
Ug. One more week 'til I get to the unaireds. Bastards. Haven't heard back about the night merchandiser job, but if they contact me, I'll drop this in a heartbeat. Assuming I get this at all, that is.
ION, I've actually started watching Angel reruns on Space, because it tends to mesh nicely with Clone High, because whenever anyone says 'Wesley' my mind changes their voice to Mr. Butlertron's. The episode after Faith tortures Wes (Wes-Leeeeeeee) is pretty freakin' great.
Oh, yeah. Angel has had its moments.
I thought we would be getting an unaired episode soon. Bastards.
And, by the way, no Firefly at 3am, either.
Thanks for the heads-up about Firefly, Elena. I was all cueing up tape and everything. Not often Space lets me down.
Very irritating, I must say.
How goes the job search? Both of you, actually.
Not too badly. I've all but decided to try going into actuary science. I'm doing job-search workshops and starting to re-work my resume and all that stuff.
we getting together this month? When can people go out for supper or martinis? I wanna see you!
t /tantrum
Hem. Well, Happy Thanksgiving!
I've all but decided to try going into actuary science.
Does that mean I get a toaster?