That conflicts with Firefly!
They are working on the cable for my house right now, AIFG!
I don't think we ever had a spate of Dutch Elm. Part of the problem is that NS is essentiall a lot of rock with leetle bit of soil on top, so roots don't grow very far anyway.
But you know, as many trees are down, in most parts of the city, there are still alot of trees. I think Point Pleasant Park is going to be the one place that's a shocker. (I'm waiting for someone to propose a condo development for there.)
Yay for cable! Boo for conflicting with Firefly.
I think whether Dutch Elm Disease is a problem depends on what part of Canada you're in, Trudy. The city I live in (which has many, many beautiful old elms) is extremely paranoid about it.
Which reminds me - must band trees in our yard soon.
p.s. Yikes! Just found some DED stats online:
"The disease has now spread to Manitoba and Saskatchewan where there are approximately 500,000 elm trees in the cities. Three to five percent of the elms die each year... Winnipeg is spending C$2.5 million a year on sanitation and pruning. Having lost 40,000 trees in the last 20 years, the city’s elm population is now just 200,000."
Now I really must remember to band my trees.
Are any of you guys on I just though I got shafted with some more FunnyMoney because I went to pay for my bread and saw a URL on the bill. That there's a good little idea.
I've heard of that, Mecha, but never been.
Angel at 10? Grrr... Well, since the universe doesn't want me to have a nice clean set of Firefly tapes...
Shit. Which do I watch and which do I tape? Does anyone know which Firefly it is?
According to the Space website, it's Safe.
Hey all - I'm in Elora now at my parent's house. Today is my grandmother's funeral so I'll have to go get ready soon, but I thought I'd pop on and say HI. Brent set the VCR to tape Angel tonight but it will be in the middle of a tape of other stuff. Oh well. There's always the DVDs, right?
My sister and brother in law have cancelled their cable. I think they are INSANE!
My sister and brother in law have cancelled their cable. I think they are INSANE!
How will they survive? They're stuck in the 20th century.
How will they survive? They're stuck in the 20th century.
More like the 19th! They felt they were watching too much and I guess they didn't have the will power to hit the Off button.
do you have cable yet Sue?
I do. The cable people were working outside my house in the rain for about 2 hours yesterday. I think they had to put new cabling in. So, not only do I have restored cable, but the reception is much better!
You holding up okay, Megan? I mean, what with the funeral and the lack of cable...
I thought that Brent taped it for you on Thursday?