Mecha, you missed the apocalypse. And, also, an all day barbeque as we cooked off the contents of our freezer.
(The patented Newman noise of Ultimate Frustration.) The only thing I get out of this is I emailed the family and said 'Now if I'd stayed in Hali like you wanted, I'da been in the middle of that. See?'
Ok, we'll be taping on Monday, after which the tape will be free for loaning.
I am in Calgary at a conference. *waves* I'm sitting in the business centre of the hotel trying to write my eulogy for my grandmother's funeral. Man, it's tough!
Glad to hear that you guys are getting your lives back to normal. I hope Brent remembers to tape Angel for me.
Megan, ouch! That sounds really tough. Good luck with the eulogy.
How long will you be in Calgary?
Hey, Guys!
It's good to have you back.
Hey there. I'm in Calgary until Sunday morning and then I fly to Toronto and am there until Wednesday. I was awake this morning at 3:30am Calgary time (6:30 atlantic) so I finished my book (Oryx and Crake) had a shower and asked to use the computer here. Breakfast isn't for another hour and then I have a full day of meetings. Luckily tonight there is a theme party that I didn't sign up to attend (it was $50!) so hopefully it will be a nice relaxing evening.
Last night's "dinner" was just finger food so I'm STARVING to death. Could I complain any more?
Did everyone watch Angel last night? My TV in my hotel room doesn't get Space. Stupid hotel!
Still no cable for me, and Eastlink had no clue when it would be back.
Add that to the ever growing list of things Eastlink doesn't have a clue about...
Incidentally, if anyone want's too see pictures of Juan Treebane's handiwork, there's a honkin' load of them here.
We were speculating at work that some people might switch back to MT&T (or whatever it's called now) because of the inconvenience of not having a phone during the power outage. What kind of dumbass connects their phone service to the power grid?