Back to work today. I had Sue over for some hot meals yesterday and we went for a walk about downtown. It's amazing to see the devistation of the Public Gardens, buildings, homes, the historic cemetery, and there are wires down all over the place. I feel lucky just not having a phone or cable.
Thank goodness for the Y2K hysteria! Because of that, in 1999 Halifax purchased generators for the water supply. Most other Canadian cities (ie. Toronto) would have run out of water after 24 hours.
Back at work too! No power at home still. (And I don't think for a while yet.)
The devastation, mostly caused by falling trees, is quite amazing. I've never heard wind like that, it was scary.
Glad you guys are okay -- none of you or yours suffered damage?
Everybody I've spoken to seems fine. Most people I know are mostly worried about the loss of a freezer full of food. We lost part of our fence, and I think my upstairs neighbors had some leakage, but that was it. we're very lucky. As Megan said, we have water, which is a huge thing.
Cool Beans. As to losing food, my refrigerator woes have gained me great understanding in that area. Have you heard what the status is for electricity for the rest of town?
Poeple in places like Bedford, parts of Clayton park seem to be getting power. Downtown has power. And random solated pockets elsewhere. (e.g. Maynard Street has power, but none of the surrounding streets do.) I wish they'd just let us know the priority list so we can know what to expect.
Hi everyone! Glad to hear the rest of the haligonistas are alright.
'Ouise and I are fine. We've been over at our mother's helping with the clean-up. They didn't have any power until last night, and there were lots of big branches fallen on the property.
We don't have internet access, and probably won't for a while. Our server's chebucto, which is hosted at Dalhousie. Right now people are thinking that Dal won't be opening until monday, so chebucto probably won't be running until at least then.
glad to hear that you and Ouise are ok, RahRah.
I have to say that it is a real relief seeing the Hooliganistas popping back up in here. I hope everyone is okay and not having to deal with too much damage and inconvenience.
But what I want to know is, did it make you feel better to have Peter Mansbridge there sharing your pain?
Glad to know everyone is okay, and I hope power comes back on asap. If cable isn't back on time & anyone needs a tape fairy for Angel, send me an email...