Oh, lot's of people took MulrooneyMoney in the past. I don't figure it'll be a problem. Just so long as they don't have to get it legally.
Is Diefenbaker the PM who axed the Arrow? We should put him on the three dollar bill as a tribute to folly.
It'll be paper even when the rest are coins.
That is, indeed, Dief. And it always struck me odd. Because it's one thing to scrap the program, it's entirely another to sink the prototype in Lake Ontario.
In other news, furniture woes may be solved. We've got a line on a minivan loan and the DM from the 3rd edition DND game we're starting seems a likely driver. Whew. Plus, rambling about furniture some more might get me COMMed again. Not entirely sure how that got in there.
By the time twenties are replaced they'll be heavy enough to do some real damage.
Maybe they will be shaped like throwing stars.
Yeah, it was quite the non sequitor.
Aw, now you're just teasing me.
Maybe they will be shaped like throwing stars.
You need to submit that idea to the Mint RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
It'll never work. All that will come of it is rude waiters getting very big tips, and rather quickly too.
I was just on the Bank of Canada web site (work, what's that?) and they don't have any pictures on the web of our current paper money. I guess that shouldn't surprise me.
Megan, my condolences on the death of your grandmother.
Mecha, I didn't have to provide any more information after my initial application (except to bring my ROE in, since I applied online). Good luck, and I hope you hear from them soon.
I've been looking into becoming an actuary (well, an actuarial student), and I've been talking to a bunch of people. Today I found out that
was the deadline for registering for the fall exams. This makes me cranky. I even started studying yesterday. Grrrr.