Megan, I got your message. I was at work until 5:15! I'm going to try Jo and Rob to see if either of them can take me to the Darkside, so you don't have to worry about it.
did you mean to go tonight? I could have sworn that your email said tomorrow! If it's tomorrow, I have no problem with that and am pretty sure I won't have to work late.
No, I meant tomorrow. I thought you said you might be worried that you'll still have to work late tomorrow.
Yeah, I did, but now that I've eaten I realize that working late tomorrow would be stupid since the project I'm working on has to be done by 11 tomorrow morning. So, I'll take you?? =)
Megan: If it's the Parker street furniture bank, I've got it already. Otherwise, sure.
Sue: There's a good chance that students would snap it up, but on the off chance they don't it just might hang around long enough to affect my DamDeposit, if the landlord declares 'eyesore'. I'm in the mood to be certain, as I won't be around to deal with any problems.
Elena: I'm still waiting to for final confirmation on Operation: Good Start. And no, I'm not throwing 500 lawyers off of a cliff. That is to say, I haven't made any advance plans to, and my schedule doesn't have much Improvisation room left.
Ouise: Thanks tons for the connection to the brother with the moving truck. I think it's actually going to work, although some moderate to desperate communication issues are likely to crop up near the end. You ever need any kneecaps broken, you call me.
All in all, the thread, the board, even the Interweb in general can count on a distinct lack of rampaging geekiness for 3-7 days starting tomorrow morning.
Cereal to Elena:
I just got my letter of reference from Sunshine, and it doesn't even compare to yours. I've got 'Steve rocks! Hiring Steve will make your breath fresher, give your home a lemony fresh scent, and save you millions' on one hand, and 'This man worked for us and we never once saw cause to fire him' on the other. HAW!
Oh, do you have the reference letter? Because I can rewrite it right now and mail it to you.
I have copies, but not in the best shape. is it the same if you slap it on an email and I print them as needed?
I don't see why not.
What did I say? What dates did I use? You lemme know the details and I'll retype it as both a word file and in the body of an e-mail.
Also, I want your new address and phone number.
A thirteen year old should not be sexually active. I'm going to take a stand on this and say it's bad.