Megan: If it's the Parker street furniture bank, I've got it already. Otherwise, sure.
Sue: There's a good chance that students would snap it up, but on the off chance they don't it just might hang around long enough to affect my DamDeposit, if the landlord declares 'eyesore'. I'm in the mood to be certain, as I won't be around to deal with any problems.
Elena: I'm still waiting to for final confirmation on Operation: Good Start. And no, I'm not throwing 500 lawyers off of a cliff. That is to say, I haven't made any advance plans to, and my schedule doesn't have much Improvisation room left.
Ouise: Thanks tons for the connection to the brother with the moving truck. I think it's actually going to work, although some moderate to desperate communication issues are likely to crop up near the end. You ever need any kneecaps broken, you call me.
All in all, the thread, the board, even the Interweb in general can count on a distinct lack of rampaging geekiness for 3-7 days starting tomorrow morning.