Guess who I saw in the airport yesterday while I was waiting with Brent to see if he could get on an earlier flight? Calum Keith Rennie.
Brent is now leaving on Monday and returning the following Monday. Operation Distract Megan is now a longer venture.
Callum Keith Rennie? Cool.
Nora's friend/ex Kira flew out to Winnipeg yesterday. Unfortunately her luggage -- including her
-- did not. I haven't really talked to Nora yet today, so I don't know if she has any news. Poor Nosey. (That would be the cat.) He couldn't go in carry-on because he's too big. I hope everything ends up ok.
Hi again!
Our friend has no food allergies. I'll check on cat allergies. As we live with a
cat, neither my BF nor I have cat allergies.
I think all systems are go. Just give me
a time and a place/directions and we're good to go.Is there anything we can bring, aside from ourselves?
Excellent! I'll email you with location info. How about 7:00 for time?
edited to add: I've emailed you with contact info.
Party at Megan's next weekend!!! Wooohoooo!
It can be the after-party for 'Ouise's
I was wrong. DH will be away longer than I thought. 2 weeks to fill before he returns. *pout*
Oh he's coming back two weeks from Monday? That's a serious trip!
All-night keggers at Megan's!!!!!!
Yeah, his 12 day trip is now a 14 day trip, due to the post blackout scheduling mayhem.
Wooohooo! Keggers!
I just ran into my friend David on the Street. He's visiting form New York. He was just in time to miss the blackouts.
Is David on the Street like Jenny from the Block?
Keggers and Six feet under!
Oh! I found the 3rd Thursday Next book today!