Megan, did Brent's flight leave this morning?
Nope, he's standing right here. The earliest flight that Jetsgo can reschedule him on is Monday afternoon. We're off the the airport at noon so that he can try and fly standby for a flight this afternoon, but it's doubtful.
So he's here for the weekend, I assume.
Obviously, somebody's forgotten that the consequences of their actions will be a good deal closer to them then they'd like in the not too distant future. MWAHAHA!
When I hitch down there, I'm a find so many things to mock about all the Noo Yawkaz that we'll all laugh and stuff. Ha!
And speaking of hitching, I'm off to Cape Breton again. Oy.
To be fair, Steph wrote it with me.
Besides, I'm picking on people in OTTOWA, not
When you say OTTOWA, are you referring to Ottawa, or some place where there actually
pom poms on toques?
Montrealers know how to tear a town apart. Our looting after the Habs win in ... 93? was the most destructive sports riot in North American history.
Given the percentage of the population that's of French origin, this doesn't surprise me a bit. Pork-eating exile monkeys.
The most popular ethnic jokes in Maine? Frenchman jokes. How can you find a Frenchman in a crowd? Tell a Frenchman joke and see who laughs the loudest. Says he who is second generation Franco-American in this country and whose father never quite lost the accent.
They weren't
to Quebec, you infidel.
They settled it, and love it and hug it, and pet it and sing it lullabies.
They settled it, and love it and hug it, and pet it and sing it lullabies.
Pork-eating imperialist monkeys, then.
The earliest flight that Jetsgo can reschedule him on is Monday afternoon. We're off the the airport at noon so that he can try and fly standby for a flight this afternoon, but it's doubtful.
They were just interviewing some guy from WestJet on the news and he was talking about how the airlines don't have any sharing agreements to move people around on flights at times like these.
Nope, he's standing right here. The earliest flight that Jetsgo can reschedule him on is Monday afternoon. We're off the the airport at noon so that he can try and fly standby for a flight this afternoon, but it's doubtful.
Okay. Because when Brian got off the phone with him this afternoon he assumed that Brent was trapped in either NYC or Toronto... Did I ever tell you about the extra bone in his head?