The library's web site is replacing the clunky WebPAC cataloge system with a new online cataloge that even has pictures of the book covers.
I'm upset that they are getting rid of telnet access though. It's so quick and easy if you just want to see if you have any overdue books.
They're getting rid of telnet? That's terrible? What if you're text only browsing?
I know that DAl is doing the same thing, except the telnet will be there, it will just be hidden.
They're getting rid of telnet?
As of January 2004 it will be gone, according to their web site.
So, you're getting to go to the family reunion?
It looks like SARStock is off to a great start.
I just hope the Stones don't bring their own security.
Oh, Sue, that was my first thought when I heard about it... Stones doing a free concert? Who's supply security?
I DO get to go to my family reunion!
I fly out tomorrow after work and get back Monday morning right before. I am SO excited.
I am flying to Indianpolis (and I'm very excited about that since I've loved that name since I was a little kid-- I always pictured an indian eating an apple and it cracked me up) and then driving three hours to Mt. Carmel Il.
Hmm... would that be a mountain made of carmel or one with carmel poured over it like it's a sundae? Either way there are skiiers who are
to fall.