I DO get to go to my family reunion!
I fly out tomorrow after work and get back Monday morning right before. I am SO excited.
I am flying to Indianpolis (and I'm very excited about that since I've loved that name since I was a little kid-- I always pictured an indian eating an apple and it cracked me up) and then driving three hours to Mt. Carmel Il.
Hmm... would that be a mountain made of carmel or one with carmel poured over it like it's a sundae? Either way there are skiiers who are
to fall.
The ol' Hogtown was hopping last night with the tons o' Stones fans in town, it was pretty cool to be downtown. Tonight should be interesting too.
Not a ninja... That's what they always say until it's far, far too late for them to save themselves.
Well, I can see the confusion. The Ninja is generally not noticed, whereas Elena usually just doesn't notice stuff. HA!
So, you got a place? Well, that's just fine.
What's more, by all indicators, I got a kickass cheap place. Whew.
(Actually, I'm glad.)
As I figured, whereas my dad was actually disappointed that I found an apartment, because he apparently wants me to live in his basement and cut grass for a living.
t walks away, shaking head ruefully.
It's nice when a father wants his son to have a career.
It'll all part of my master plan, Trudy. When the zombie apocalypse comes and I'm the only one with drugs, who do you think will come out on top?
The Zombies, most likely.
Well, yeah. But we'll all be
Will the real zombies, please stand up? Now, will the real zombies try to touch their noses while saying the alphabet?
Furthermore, I dispute that you'd be the only one with drugs. I worked in Druggery, I could probably find enough Lung Juice to keep me going for quite a while, thanks.