I'm glad your head is okay and that (secret location) is fun. Is it terribly, horribly hot?
It rained the first two days we were here, at Brent's parent's house, but today is nice and sunny and warm. Yesterday was nice too for the BBQ on my parent's deck. Tonight I'm probably going to see Finding Nemo with my mom at the tiny theatre here in the village.
Hi Sue! How's life at the hell hole office?
has anyone answered Sheryl's post in Apocolypse?
Things at the office are very quiet. Which is good.
has anyone answered Sheryl's post in Apocolypse?
Ooh, no. I meant to email her this weekend and tell her to get over here and we could make tentative plans... But it's possible soemone else has emailed her.
Okay, I just emailed her, and linked her here. I figure we can find out whose available, and days and stuff here, then move to e-mail when we get more specific with our planning.
Did you see how I'm going to be in NYC from August 22nd to Sept 4th and thereby neatly manage to miss Sheryl? Stupid irony.
Poopie! But still, New York!
Sigh. I was thinking that if I don't go to Mexico, (Which I've pretty much given up on, thank you stupid Dalhousie.) I may try to got to NY for a long weekend or something in December. It's supposed to be great around Xmas, isn't it?
Oh, I dunno, I only go there when it's hot as blazes.
And no shortage of folks for you to bunk with.
Whew. If there wasn't ADND tonight, well that would be sudden and unnerving.
Mecha, how are you fixed for time on Wed, Thurs and/or Friday? A zombie matinee hangs in the balance. Oooh, or Homoerotic Pirates!
Um-hm, and exactly how powerful a reality transmogrifier do have? Because if you're going to get me into the theater showing the homoerotic pirate movie, you'll need a big one.
Wednesday I work at 5, thursday I work all day, until 6. Friday 9-5.