Sophia, I'm with you. Angel's entrance, the big hero music and glamour shot pose, his whole manner. I think that while Caleb got stronger from joining with the FE, the FE (probably briefly) got the ability to become corporeal, as it was whining about last week. It's totally a set-up to fuck with Spike.
Angel--Not Angel. Giles--Not Giles. Baby Willow. Dawn the Learned One.
I don't know whether to lump Angel into the FE camp or the Bad Writing camp. And it's driving me absolutely batty that there even is a bad writing camp.
I half expected Angel to say, "Cordy's in a coma, I just lost my son, now come here and give papa some sugar."
It was that off putting how that scene went.
Nameless/faceless SiTs bite the dust only? Is it official? Has Buffy become Charlie's Angels?
A lot of odd stuff to have to figure out and correct in an hour. And did anyone else think/hope that Angel walks through the door right in the middle of the sweet Spuffy scene?
Finally, at least I got to laugh. Wheelchair fight. BWAH.
Jeez, I almost forgot, the old bitty in the pyramid made me laugh, too. I'm supposed to buy all that? I hope it's on sale.
t clicking my red shoes together three times and remembering how wonderful Angel still is, remembering how wonderful Angel still is, remembering how wonderful Angel still is
Nameless/faceless SiTs bite the dust only?
Not even the nameless ones!
I opened my mailbox last night to find a fic I hadn't seen before. Opened the message, saw "Methos holding his beloved Dru" and "the thirty-four (ThirtyFour! Ack) potentials," and ran screaming from the room.
I'm thinking it had to do with Caleb getting cut
I was trying to see if there might have been some sort of reverse Jasmine thingy going on, with the blood, but I didn't see anything.
Not even the nameless ones!
True that. At some point, I started laughing at "Is anyone alive?" "I am!" "Me too!" "Over here!" "I'm alive too!".... I don't think
"Ohferfucksake, aren't they going to kill anyone"
was quite the response they were going for, somehow.
Oh, if Mecha wants to come, that's cool. I wasn't sure if he was a big Buffy watcher.
Appreciated, but I'm not all that into it.
Did the ubervamps kill that one in the arsenal, or did they manage to get her out, too?
I can't imagine that they didn't get that one. There were three Ubers ripping at that girl.
Where did the Uber's come from? Did I miss something, or don't they come from the Seal which was closed?
Yeah. The only person who got carried into the Summers' house was Faith. So, another one bites the dust.
t brightens
I can't imagine that they didn't get that one. There were three Ubers ripping at that girl.
Wasn't that the girl that Anya was bandaging?