The best part about the BUffy episode was the Spike/Andrew escapade. The banter was witty and their trip was the only thing that advanced the storyline. Spike and Andrew on the motorcycle was another flashbacky scene too, except the first time around it was Spike and Dawn. But you guys already noticed that.
Clem drives a Bug! I (heart) Clem.
So on Angel... the Devourer... from beneath you?
I adore Anya. I was hoping for a scene with Xander and was quite unhappy that I didn't get one. The Anya/Andrew scene was not nearly as satisfying for me.
The Anya/Andrew scene was not nearly as satisfying for me.
(breakup sex)
ACK! B. is watching Nashville Star... kill me...killllll meeeeee.
Oh Megan. I am so sorry. (About the Nashville Star.)
Look! It's the David Bowie of the cat world:
I love that Andrew misspelled "Staked."
Oh my.
So, why can't Willow whip up an eye making spell? She brought Buffy back from the frelling dead but she can't make body parts?
Then again she couldn't bring Tara back. But that could be because the Powers that Be were fighting a war against tara.
And that he carefully noted the breakup sex. Rona needs to have her face slapped.
They all need to be slapped. Where is she going to go... LA?
An eye making spell would be ever so sweet. It was taken by something other than human.
Breakup sex was cool. Yep, all for the Rona slapping.