Oh my.
So, why can't Willow whip up an eye making spell? She brought Buffy back from the frelling dead but she can't make body parts?
Then again she couldn't bring Tara back. But that could be because the Powers that Be were fighting a war against tara.
And that he carefully noted the breakup sex. Rona needs to have her face slapped.
They all need to be slapped. Where is she going to go... LA?
An eye making spell would be ever so sweet. It was taken by something other than human.
Breakup sex was cool. Yep, all for the Rona slapping.
Oh, and Kennedy should die. Why would Willow take sides with Buffy over her? (not that she did, this time) Oh, because they've been friends for 7 years? Because Buffy has saved her ass repeatedly? Because Willow held Buffy after Angel dumped her? Because Buffy held Willow when Oz left? Because Buffy is a big damn hero and Kennedy is an annoying git?
Oh, what do you folks think is hidden behind the stone with all the Latin carved into it? Mebbe an axe?
Oh, and Kennedy should die.
For a moment there I thought she was going to start flirting with Faith.
Oh, yeah, I think that if Amanda hadn't come up there would have been
more than flirting going on.
Me, too DX! Until Amanda came upstairs, i thought there was a new romance in the making.
Also, did anyone else notice that faith was eating Andrew's Hot Pocket? Perhaps, when Spike and Andrew come back, they will be on Buffy's side -- Spike because she's Buffy, and Andrew because of the Hot Pocket?