Hang on - Anya's little speech (which I enjoyed, generally) had two things that bugged me. So, the Turok Han can be staked? Through the heart? But it's like punching through steel? And none of the Potentials have superstrength? But Buffy does, and she staked it and it didn't fucking die. And, Holy Water runs off it? Umm, didn't Buffy manage to slow it down with Holy Water before the stupid fucking Thunderdome fight? Isn't this directly contradicting what we've seen?
Y'know, somehow I think that if Buffy had just managed to hug Xander, he'd have been with her... And was I the only one who thought that somehow Buffy was the FE during that speech? Or that the others should have thought that? I was waiting for someone to touch her to make sure.
All in all? Ehhh... And there's just no room for ehhh these days.
Angel, now... Ehhh, but I sure do love Wes.
Yeah, I'm feeling very eh, about both these episodes too. But I think I'm just tired.
I'm not tired, and I had the same reaction...
Anya was wrong about lots of stuff. I don't think it was a change of history so much as showing her as clueless.
Anya and Buffy should have both hugged Xander. I would have hugged Xander.
I'm always ehhh on Angel lately. I do enjoy Wes though. I miss Lilah and W&H.
Anya was wrong about lots of stuff. I don't think it was a change of history so much as showing her as clueless.
Hey now! Don't be ragging on Anya, she's going by what her sources tell her. Buffy should have been vetting the info to see if it's accurate. I think it's sloppy writing.
I think that Anya would have hugged Xander, but sounds like they had an offscreen encounter at the hospital.
The best part about the BUffy episode was the Spike/Andrew escapade. The banter was witty and their trip was the only thing that advanced the storyline. Spike and Andrew on the motorcycle was another flashbacky scene too, except the first time around it was Spike and Dawn. But you guys already noticed that.
Clem drives a Bug! I (heart) Clem.
So on Angel... the Devourer... from beneath you?
I adore Anya. I was hoping for a scene with Xander and was quite unhappy that I didn't get one. The Anya/Andrew scene was not nearly as satisfying for me.
The Anya/Andrew scene was not nearly as satisfying for me.
(breakup sex)
ACK! B. is watching Nashville Star... kill me...killllll meeeeee.
Oh Megan. I am so sorry. (About the Nashville Star.)
Look! It's the David Bowie of the cat world: