Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
No one will remember anything and they'll blame it on a gang that was using PCP
It would be great if the tape fell into the wrong hands. I just don't remember it even being so blasé before. Whatever must the receptionist have been thinking?
And I
the Cordy eyes.
Yeah, I enjoyed the ep. I think they worked the "I'm taping this" angle very well.
Disappointed about Willow and Kennedy, glad about Xander/Anya (if it's over), thought that Spike/Hottie could have been directed better, but Lenk was great.
I just don't remember it even being so blasé before. Whatever must the receptionist have been thinking?
That's what bugged me about the exploding student. It's one thing to be blase about weird stuff happening, but the frelling kid exploded! That said, that was the only thing I disliked. Totally got the Zeppo vibe.
It's interesting that Robin tried to off Spike when there was an opportunity to be able to cover it up from Buffy.
It's interesting that Robin tried to off Spike when there was an opportunity to be able to cover it up from Buffy.
I was wondering about that. I'm thinking he was under the influence of the Giant Manhole Cover, 'cause I don't think he'd otherwise try to off Spike. Not yet, anyway.
That's what bugged me about the exploding student. It's one thing to be blase about weird stuff happening, but the frelling kid exploded! That said, that was the only thing I disliked. Totally got the Zeppo vibe.
At first, I was thinking it was way too meta, but then the episode suddenly clicked and "The Zeppo" feeling hit for me.
I was wondering about that. I'm thinking he was under the influence of the Giant Manhole Cover, 'cause I don't think he'd otherwise try to off Spike. Not yet, anyway.
I like the ambiguity of this. Also, Hellmouth vibes is a good way of explaining the indifference that Buffy and Robin showed at the exploding boy. Plus, since there was a cut right after that (or was it a break?), how they reacted after is up to conjecture. I thought there was a line that they closed the school.
Still, I think Jane went for a quick joke there without worrying too much about what it implied.
I'm thinking he was under the influence of the Giant Manhole Cover, 'cause I don't think he'd otherwise try to off Spike. Not yet, anyway.
Disagree. I think he'd go after Spike at pretty much any opportunity -- that, and not hanging with the gang or going after the big bad, is his big motivation, after all.
that, and not hanging with the gang or going after the big bad, is his big motivation, after all.
I disagree. He came to Sunnydale to Fight The Big Fight. He told Buffy that he went through his vengeful angry phase in the 20's. Now, what with him having found Spike, I'm not saying that his vengeful feelings haven't come back, but he trusts the Slayer enough to not try anything just yet.
I disagree. He came to Sunnydale to Fight The Big Fight.
Of course, that assumes he was telling the truth. IJS.
I don't think I've been shown he trusts her enough. He's known her a couple months. Spike killed his mother. Buffy's charismatic, but not
much. Whatever he ends up doing, I think he feels the pull. Certainly feels the anger.
Okay, I want to marry Andrew and buy Jane E a HUGE bouquet. This ep has me back on the excited-about-this-show train again.
I loved this episode. I made Paul rewind the tape so we could rewatch. I'll watch again tonight. Tom Lenk was incredible.
The students being turned into Bringers really threw me.
I'm, as you know, spoiled, but I'd managed to either skip that or miss it, because it threw me, too.
Okay, I know that we all read Press, but still.
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