The question is, do I turn the heat on now, wait for the bathroom to heat up, or get up in the morning and shower. Not showering is out of the question...I have the amazing expiring hair...greasy in less than 24 hours!
(I'm very wimpy about showering in the cold.)
Shower in the morning...
Does anyone know what Grr Argh said?
It's from Andrew's fantasy scene : We are like Gods or something. Megan posted it upthread.
He was singing the 'We are a gods' line.
Too funny.
ETA: X-posty thing
Andrew's fantasy seqs made me laugh so hard -- I had to pause the tape during the Trio-in-the-lab one because I was missing lines.
Oh, fuck, what was the line? "My master plan omits belts." Which I so want to tag.
It's "In my plan, we are beltless." Hee.
I practically spit juice all over the monitor at that line.
I think my favorite line was
"Hey, I think Buffy's stopped talking. That usually means she had to go to work."
Though this may be because of my Issues With Buffy.