Jayne: Yeah, that was some pretty risky sittin' you did there. Wash: That's right, of course, 'cause they wouldn't arrest me if we got boarded, I'm just the pilot. I can always say I was flying the ship by accident.


Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness  

[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!

Megan E. - Sep 30, 2002 5:23:48 am PDT #138 of 6793

I'm free on Thursday and even have that Friday off work. I'll just make sure I've done my thanksgiving shopping earlier in the week.

Why has Tu Do forsaken us after we finally discovered it?

Megan E. - Sep 30, 2002 9:57:10 am PDT #139 of 6793

I won't be watching Buffy tonight in real time since i have to pick up DH at the airport when it's on. Bad timing!

Ouise - Sep 30, 2002 10:03:40 am PDT #140 of 6793
Socks are a running theme throughout the series. They are used as symbols of freedom, redemption and love.

What a drag, Megan. If you have any problems with taping, you can borrow our tape.

I'm feeling sort of sad because two of the three friends who always came over for Buffy night have moved away. Sniff. It's just not the same.

Megan E. - Sep 30, 2002 10:08:06 am PDT #141 of 6793

Thanks Ouise, or there's always Saturday on YTV.

I'm feeling sort of sad because two of the three friends who always came over for Buffy night have moved away.

That sucks. =( Maybe you'll have to convert some more people to the joys of Buffy.

Sue - Sep 30, 2002 10:17:22 am PDT #142 of 6793
hip deep in pie

I won't be watching Buffy tonight in real time since i have to pick up DH at the airport when it's on. Bad timing!

I won't be watching real time either, because I'm going to see Sarah Harmer tonight.

Megan E. - Sep 30, 2002 10:20:42 am PDT #143 of 6793

I'm going to see Sarah Harmer tonight.

Don't get your back up over this.

Ouise - Sep 30, 2002 10:59:13 am PDT #144 of 6793
Socks are a running theme throughout the series. They are used as symbols of freedom, redemption and love.

Oooh, I'm jealous. Of course I could have gone to one of the concerts if I had just gotten tickets, but no. That would involve actually doing something. Meh.

t clears throat Hope you have a great time, Susan! The tape offer holds for you, too.

Sue - Sep 30, 2002 11:09:33 am PDT #145 of 6793
hip deep in pie

Oooh, I'm jealous. Of course I could have gone to one of the concerts if I had just gotten tickets, but no. That would involve actually doing something. Meh.

'Ousie, I just got tickets today because I am lazy and forgetful. We're in the centre, but at the back. The woman at the box office convinced the girl in front of me that the acoustics in the back rows under the balcony are muffled, but I think that's crap. Especially for an amplified show. (I have called shows from those back rows and it sounds fine.) Besides I have balcony issues.

Hope you have a great time, Susan! The tape offer holds for you, too.

I'm going to triple check the VCR when I get home, but just in case, I'll keep that in mind. thanks!

Don't get your back up over this.

That's my least favourite of her songs and the one I hear everywhere!

Megan E. - Sep 30, 2002 11:14:39 am PDT #146 of 6793

That's my least favourite of her songs and the one I hear everywhere!

is there a correlation between those two things?

Elena - Sep 30, 2002 12:52:34 pm PDT #147 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Sue, I'm sure you'll have a great time - the paper had a raving review... Or a review full of raves... Whichever.

So, any thoughts on where to go on Thursday? Sue, are you free? You can bring your friend, too. Unless she would find us strange and off-putting.

Sounds like Megan is free to drink heavily.