WHY are they allowed to raise the Tulakhan (sp?) twice? That bugs me.
AND, wrapping up the Giles is alive/Spike is dechipped storylines in 30 seconds was sad indeed.
Am I the only one who finds DB Woodside's acting a bit wooden? Was the actress who plays his mother different than in Fool for Love?
Other than that, the episode was ok. I laughed outloud at a few places. Also, Andrew called Dawn a peach and in the last Angel someone was called a peach. Coincidence?
Was the actress who plays his mother different than in Fool for Love?
I don't know. But I do know her hair was different.
Oh, and I'm now sitting in the bored camp with Elena. Nothing is happening, and things that do happen are repetitive. *sigh*
And here I actually enjoyed tonight's episode. I think you sit in the corner alone....
It was funny. I can forgive a lot for that.
both Willow and McHottie laughing when Buffy suggested that she was good at counselling.
Not the same actress for Nikki (ooh, her name is Nikki McHottie, that's fitting), I don't think.
Yes, ita is going to swoon at the 12 minute mark.
So, in conclusion, funny, Xander nekkid, good Anya (loved her bonding with Buffy), mocking people who don't speak English, very little Dawn, very little Willow - it's a good thing.
Cotton Ginny Plus in HSC is closing. Also the CG in Park Lane. But, big, big, big sale.
I think you sit in the corner alone....
*pout* Maybe I need to rewatch when I'm not so cranky.
I heard that about CG. I should go! But I have so much work! Bah!
Did you yell about the gun Elena?
I think I snorted and rolled my eyes.
I love Danny Strong. Love him.
They seem to be having Willow use magic pretty casually again. I mean, yes, Xander in great peril, but during OAFA Richard was slowly bleeding to death and Willow did nothing to help.
Sue, go. I bought two long sleeved tee shirts and 4 cotton blouses. I need to own many cotton blouses because I will never, ever, never iron them.
Sigh. Okay, I must disappear from the internet now. For I have work to do and day old laundry to fold!
Bye Sue.
t waves
Okay, let's talk about Sue.