Nurtz! Or I'll cast feebly throught the brain fog for phone #'s I can neither find nor remember. Maybe you call me.
Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you called the house recently? I'll use the caller id.
Hey! I just logged back on, like, two minutes ago.
Oh, likely.
Working at 5? Wanna see the 12:10 show? If so, you need to leave your house, uh, 15 minutes ago. Get yourself here (should be at 11:30) and we can cab it from here.
I've got a #2 leaving Mumford at 11:16 (according to schedule) which I will be on. Should work.
How's the shoulder.
Better. It was never debilitating, just a half step above annoying at it's worst. I just didn't want to lift people with it, basically.
Griff, were you at Chapters on Sunday around 3:30? Thought I saw your van.
How was TTT, Elena? Is Aragorn still hot?
No mistaking the van, eh?
Yes, I was there selecting a new book. Someone told me that Anne McCaffrey's writing got better between the Pern books and her Crystal Singer series, so I thought I'd give it a try. Looks like they were right. While not stunning authorship, it's defiantely on the high side of what gets published these days. And Anne creates such wonderfully rich worlds and stories.
Is tonight a new Buffy? I hadn't heard anything, but just checked Buffyworld and they say that tomorrow the US gets a new one.
Buffy mentioned watching a reality show about a millionare!
A good episode, back to the Buffy I remember. Tops of this season in my opinion.
Just wondering why nobody's been filling the board with comments yet...