I liked the episode, but a lot of it was relief that Dawn wasn't one of the pre-Slayers. I liked the scene with Xander a lot, and I've really been enjoying Andrew. I liked how his "womanhood" speech both freaked Xander out and demonstrated his tofu-ness. And I'll be pleased to see more of what's-her-name (Amanda?). She's great. "I'm really tired of everybody having such low self-esteem."
Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
The final job fair that we are planning has just increased in size from about 250 students to 450. Kill. Me. Now.
Just watched the episode.
I LOVED it!!!!! Dawn!!! Finally she has a story of her own!!! That ending had me close to tears (and I never cry in movies or watching TV), but the rest was fantastic, from the Slayer-slayerettes interaction (and them picking up on Buffy-Spike) to the demon bar (and Clem!!!). As for Dawn's story, I can easily relate to that feeling of being left out, of not being among the "cool ones", so I was totally with her during the whole run, and specially when she passed the stake to Amanda.
When the spell pointed at her I laughed like a maniac, not only because we finally get to see more of her, but also because I was picturing the reactions of the people here at the prospect of "Dawn: the Next Generation Vampire Slayer". Nyah, I tell you.
I don't think that the slayerettes have gotten better acting-wise; I just think that now they actually have something to do, instead of standing there like furniture. Spike? I do think his chip still works; remember that, as long as he doesn't *think* of hurting someone, it doesn't kick in (see exchange in "Fool for love").
Loved it. One of the best of the season.
Am I allowed to make a point about last night's Angel here? Or would I still have to white-font it????
(Sorry - still kinda new...)
Daisy, we don't get Angel until Thursday here, so no go on the Angel-spoilage. I guess it's our penance for our early Buffy viewing.
I think some people have been discussing it in the Buffy and Angel Spoiler topic though. Just close your eyes and hit last.
Thanks Sue!
I guess it's just us in BC who have a TOTALLY AWESOME Tuesday night!!!
Thank you for the help, though...
I guess it's just us in BC who have a TOTALLY AWESOME Tuesday night!!!
Well, we used to have a great Monday night, until the WB moved Angel to wednesday. Now we're a week behind on Monday.
t /bitter
I'm off on my next two job fairs. Wish me luck!
Have fun storming the castle, Megan!
Today, for the first time, I bought a plane ticket online. Yes, I am finally going on vacation. There was a great seat sale (still is, actually) at Air Canada's website, so it is cheaper for me to buy the ticket to and from Tennesse separately from the ticket from Tennessee to and from Texas. This is very exciting for me. The farthest south I've been on the continent is Pennsylvania, so this will be new and different. Yay vacation!