We've been watching the past seasons of 24 like it was the crack it is. Wednesday night, we put on the first disc from season 1, even though we've watched it before, just because we must! have! more! Anyhow, it wasn't playing right. It mostly froze up, and then played, although occasionally, it skipped, too. The DVD didn't look too scratched up, or anything--actually looked fairly pristine, but we tried the second disc, and had the same problem.
Last night, we broke out the BtVS S7 DVDs, because they were still shrink wrapped, and we wanted to determine if we were having a problem with the 24 discs, or the DVD player. It must be the 24 DVDs.
But oh! I miss my girl. Season 7 wore me down a bit, and is not one of my favorite seasons (although I was thrilled by the ending itself), so I'd forgotten how much I loved the beginning of it. Lessons was wonderful. I remember being wary of Kit and Carlos, because I really didn't want a Scrappy Gang season, but...well, we got a Scrappy Gang season with the SiTs, anyhow. That said, there really were some great moments in Lessons. The teaser with the unnamed Potential running (but not talking!!!)through Istanbul! Buffy's, "It's about power," ending the first scene (proper), being bookended with the parade of First Evil Manifestations, and the Master's "It's about power," was just great. Insane in the basement Spike! Giles', "Do you want to be punished?" (yes please). Willow all drained and guilty. Giles's handwaving away the magick!crack aspect of Willow's storyline. Anya and Halfrek in the coffee shop! There's always a talisman! Spiffy in-a-suit Xander! It was nice to remember I had some love left for the show itself, and not just the characters. I remembered that I also liked Beneath You, even the Spike-sizzling-on-cross scene (although I haven't yet re-watched it while awake).
I hope that the entire season does as well for me in review as Lessons, even though I mostly know it won't.