It was a supremely elegant style of writing.
While my script is infinitely readable compared to most lefties, I've always yearned for an elegant hand. This yearning has caused me to, over the course of my writing years, completely change my handwriting a number of times. No handwriting expert would ever match them up! (Thank God I got over the dotting my i-s with circles phase. No biscuit!)
hey, can anyone remember which episode of Buffy had the quote --
coffee, english breakfast, o pos? (in reference to morning beverages of choice) was it something blue?
That was Angel, and I believe it was the last episode of the 1st season.
It was an episode of Angel, IIRC.
t edit
Damn you, wee Heather! You beat me by 1 second!
You win this time.
What does she win?
I'm not sure. I was quoting Weebl & Bob.
I wish I could do an evil laugh! Alas, all I have is a naughty smirk.
I'm not sure. I was quoting Weebl & Bob.
If it's Weebl & Bob, she probably wins "pie". That, or a French vacation.
oh, right. I kept thinking that it was cordelia who said it, but couldn't reconcile it with a buffy ep. well, that explains it. thanks!