Winnow, hear hear. I was also a late bloomer to the land o' Buffistas, and I only wish I had found it all sooner. This is so sad, I feel like my generation is getting pushed out the door...I lost Dawson last week too, I was with that from the beginning as well, even when it sucked a whole lot.
I got real teared up today, I was in the grocery store and so many magazines have tributes to BtVS, the actors, etc. It's just. so. sad. I can't contain myself, I'm going to be bawling.
Buffistas, you rock.
god, this is reminding me of those last days on free Table Talk....
I have to go to my sister's to watch, my parents are JAG fans and they have threatened my life if I try to interfere, so I will also not be watch-and-posting. I'll be here afterward. Peace, love, and lots of Kleenex to you all.
Monterey is gorgeous, and a far but not impossible distance from both LA and SF, so Samantha really ought to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the company of both the LAistas and the Bay Areaistas.
Most importantly, it has an excellent aquarium. Near as I can tell, if you're there at the right time you can see an ocean sunfish. (But they have to release it into the wild before it reaches maturity, or else it'll be too big to airlift comfortably.)
It's been lovely seeing the lurkers de-lurk. I think it's going to be very difficult to read the watch-n-post tomorrow morning.
this is reminding me of those last days on free Table Talk....
Does that mean it's time for us to confess our crushes on TomW?
Is anyone watching and posting at all?
I probably will. And be all by myself because of all the viewing parties (which I really can't do if it is the first time I see an ep- too distractable.)
Ahhhh. I just remembered that I am supposed to be going to a "de-stress" office party to watch Office Space - which normally would be fun....but NOT TONIGHT.
But I have to get home and sit in front of my VCR and stare at it for the next two hours - but then Cindy asks me if I ever watch Angel or Firefly and I HAVE to answer (right?)
My first Buffy ever - Halloween. Loved it from that moment on. Loved Spike. Loved Willow. Buffy's my girl. Never missed an ep. OK - I never saw AYW until this year on FX, but I am not even going there (but - don't hate me, I'm new, I kind of liked it).
So yes, I have been watching Angel from the beginning, stopped for a while (I couldn't get into Connor) but then started again after the mid-season break this season and LOVED LOVED LOVED the finale (even Connor). (Where are those Season 2 DVDs????)
I watched two episodes of Firefly. Loved them. Will order on DVD the SECOND it comes out. Read Fray. Love Fray. (oh, the axe! - I thought of Jeff passing out when it first appeared)
OK - gotta go make an appearance at the Office Space thing and then need to get home - my VCR needs staring at!
Does that mean it's time for us to confess our crushes on TomW?
Heh, ita. Isn't this every day for you and me?
But I have to get home and sit in front of my VCR and stare at it for the next two hours - but then Cindy asks me if I ever watch Angel or Firefly and I HAVE to answer (right?)
You're in the third stage of addiction to Buffistas already tina.
- Stage 2 - having to answer a question even though you're out of time
- Stage 3 - talking about AYW, even though you don't have a lot of time {I liked it too, very much for the reasons Allyson recently stated (if you happened to see that post)}.