Does that mean it's time for us to confess our crushes on TomW?
Heh, ita. Isn't this every day for you and me?
'War Stories'
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Does that mean it's time for us to confess our crushes on TomW?
Heh, ita. Isn't this every day for you and me?
But I have to get home and sit in front of my VCR and stare at it for the next two hours - but then Cindy asks me if I ever watch Angel or Firefly and I HAVE to answer (right?)
You're in the third stage of addiction to Buffistas already tina.
Most importantly, it has an excellent aquarium. Near as I can tell, if you're there at the right time you can see an ocean sunfish. (But they have to release it into the wild before it reaches maturity, or else it'll be too big to airlift comfortably.)
Yes, I think Samantha already visited the aquarium on his first trip out there. (don't blink, that is the correct pronoun, ye non-samantha knowers)
Hey - does anyone know, are any Buffy stars doing any appearances on talk shows tonight? I missed AH and DB, last night.
Where were AH and DB?
AYW had its moments (Willow's "Bitch!" most definitely among them) but that horrible Mrs. Riley person was So. Bad. Worst acting ever. The GF and I still love to imitate her (mostly facial expressions when she "bonded" with Willow in the kitchen). And that's really fun so maybe it wasn't so bad after all :) See how I did that there?
I've been watching this show since S1. I can remember thinking in S2, wow, the show's doing OK, maybe it'll run as long as seven years! And trying to imagine the me who'd still be watching it. And here I am.
And S1 is about when she started nagging me to watch. And I said, "nah, looks stupid." And then we were out of touch for a while, and then we got back in touch, and started right in and nagged some more, and I said, "yeah, so maybe there's something there, but it's just not my thing". And nagged some more, and I said, "okay, it's really good, but I'm busy on Tuesday nights and I don't want to get too involved in it." And she kept on nagging me to watch this show, and I said, "It's the best damned thing on television, and I need to find a way to watch it." And then once I was thoroughly hooked she started in with the hints about this crazy group of people online....
Yeah, it's Misha's fault that I'm a Buffy fan, and that I'm a Buffista. I was late to the party, and now here we are at the end.
Stupid freakin' allergies.
If there's such a thing as cablema, could you send some my way? Yesterday evening a big, black box started intermittently covering up our TV picture. It wasn't constant and didn't affect every channel, but UPN was unviewable when I got home from work this afternoon. A cable refresh seems to have solved the problem, but this cable company's fixes have in the past had the distressing tendency of unfixing themselves on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
It's not like we really needed another reason to be sitting on the edge of our seats tonight, you know?
The VCR prayer doesn't quite cover cablema per se, but it's in the right spirit, I think.
Attention all religious people, established or not, pagan or Wiccan or Bible Belt or Jewish or Bead Jiggler (like me): Please pray to the VCR gods tonight for all of us who are Unavoidably Unable To Be Home. May the cable systems all remember. May the tapes be fresh and have plenty of space. May our power not brown out and reset the VCR clocks. May kids and SOs and stray kittens not wander by and reset the apparatii. May our UPN affiliates not fold, spindle, or mutilate the show with weird crawls, ads for other inane shows, sports, or teasers for the Ten o'clock News. May we all come home to Buffy, just Buffy and purest Buffy, from Previously to the previews. Amen.
I was late to the party re Buffy and Buffistas, although I've known some posters for some time, just talking about different stuff. I watched one or two at the very beginning, but it didn't take till s6. I want to thank the people at fx (even if theirwebsite is run by poorly socialized gerbils) because without them I might not have ever been Buffista.And I liked season 6 a lot, but not AYW.And I hear some network is going to run Angel from the beginning soon, and I'm glad about ittoo, because I find it confusing to jump in on, but ymmv.